[-remote-] [-description-] [-author-]
access-counter.pl users can execute commands slash
aglimpse users can execute commands unknown
alibabadirlisting.sh users can view directories wildcoyote
alienform2-xploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
amadmin.pl / amlite-xploit.pl users can change admin passwd [multiple]
anaconda users can view files pestilence
auctionweaver-exploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
auktion users can execute commands ukr-xblp
bbscan.c users can view files safety
bnbform users can view files rfp
bnbform-xploit.pl users can view files teleh0r
bizdb users can execute commands unknown
bulkmail-xploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
bugzilla.pl users can execute commands karin
campus users can execute commands et l0wnoise
carbo users can view files unknown
classifieds users can execute commands unknown
clickrespond-xploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
coldfusion users can view files unknown
commerce users can view files slipy
convert-bas users can view files unknown
count.c users can execute commands gus
crazy.pl crazywwboard.cgi remote overflow jin ho you
easy-adv-exploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
excite users can execute commands unknown
ex_imagemap.c users can execute commands unyun
exp_cpmdaemon.c program to bruteforce passwords el nahual & 0x90
faxsurvey users can execute commands unknown
finger finger other hosts anonymously unknown
formmail-xploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
formnow-exploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
guestrook.c users can execute commands fish stiqz
handler users can execute commands unknown
hhp-webwho.pl users can execute commands loophole
hsx users can view files mc gan
htdig users can execute commands unknown
htgrep.pl users can view files n30
htmlscript users can execute commands dennis noore
listmail-exploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
masterindex users can view directories pestilence
multihtml.c users can execute commands bansh33
newpub-xploit.pl users can change cgi admin password n30
news_exp.c users can change cgi admin password morpheusbd
pals users can execute commands ukr-xblp
perl-cgi.pl users can execute commands unknown
pfdisplay users can view files unknown
phf users can execute commands unknown
phpix users can view directories pestilence
php users can view files unknown
php-nuke users can gain administive rights starman_jones
phpphotoalbum users can view folers the madj0ker
phx.c stack overflow proton
plusmail.c / gh-plus.c / pm-exploit.c users can change passwd remotely [multiple]
pollex.pl users can control poll cgi keelis
rmp_query.c users can list installed pakages unknown
sawmill / dehash-sawmill.c users can view files [multiple]
search97.vts users can view files unknown
spoon.c users can anonymously do dig requests obecian
subscribe.pl / sublite-xploit.pl users can execute commands [multiple]
searchcgi.pl users can view directories unknown
sendtemp-exp.pl users can view files tom parker
store remote users can read any file slipy
survey remote users can read any file unknown
test user can list all cgi's evgene ilyine
textcounter.pl users can execute commands unknown
userregsp.c users can execute commands unknown
utilmind-maillist-exploit.pl users can execute commands teleh0r
view-source users can view files unknown
w3-msql users can grab .htpasswd unknown
w3-msql-xploit.c users can execute commands zhodiac
wais.pl.c users can spawn a root shell scrippie
way-board users can read any file ukr-xblp
web_store-cgi users can read any file unknown
webcom.guestbook users can read any file david litchfield
webdist users can execute commands unknown
webgais users can execute commands unknown
webplus remote users can read any file sword & shield
websendmail users can execute commands unknown
webspirs users can read any file ukr-xblp
whois.pl users can execute commands marco van berkum
whois_raw / whois_raw.pl users can execute commands [multiple]
wrap users can view folders unknown
wwwadmin.pl default login and password unknown
xdnewsweb.pl users can view files djhd
xpert.c users can view files \x00\x00
yabb users can view files pestilence
[-dos-] [-description-] [-author-]
alibabados.c users can shutdown the webserver wildcoyote
alibabafileoverwritexploit.c users can overwrite files wildcoyote
analogx.pl / analogx-dos.pl users can shutdown the webserver [multiple]
counter n/a mnemonix
fp-ext-dos.sh users can crash the server remotely grazer
responder users can crash the webserver unknown
somecgi users can crash the webserver unknown
tpgnrock.c users can crash the webserver tpg
wwwboard.pl users can use this a mailboming gateway samuel sparling